Hey, I'm

Elias M Pintos

Email & Marketing Developer

Specialist in the development of Email & Web marketing assets and their deployment in Campaigns.

Elias M Pintos

My Skill Sets


  • Photoshop

  • Mailchimp

  • Wordpress

  • Javascript

  • Litmus

  • MJML

  • AMPscript

  • Shopify Email

About Elias

Get To Know Me

What started as a childhood hobby in 2001 grew in time to help my parents start a new business in the 2009 downturn. I have experience freelance/contract, and stints working in-house marketing and web-team.

Skilled in Photoshop/Illustrator for graphic design, campaign deployment with MailChimp & Shopify Email, testing with Litmus, and general web dev. Email marketing is part science, part art. With a lineage from humble immigrant entrepreneurialism, I understand the importance of sales & self-motivation.

I'm a trail runner and hiker, huge cinema-head, and decent at Street Fighter. I started web dev as a kid, making Final Fantasy fansites on AngelFire and Geocities. Check out my LeetCode and Github!

Looking for your next Email Developer? I'm looking for you!

Email: contact@elias-mp.dev


HTML Email Portfolio


Email Campaign Automation